Help Portrait is an annual one-day event that takes place globally. It was started 6 years ago by photographer Jeremy Cowart as a way to give back. Each year 10,000’s photographers, makeup artists, digital editors, and volunteers donate their time and skills to offer free portrait sessions for those in need in their local communities. People from all walks are able to come to the event, held locally at the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES), and have their hair and makeup done by professional artists then move over to a photography studio where they get portraits of themselves done. From there they go over to the editing stations and choose their favorite photos which are then printed on the spot and given to them. This was my 4th year volunteering for the event and of all the organizations and foundations that I do volunteer for, this one is especially close to me as you get to be hands on and see the joy and excitement on people’s faces when they see their photos! I think I get back more than I give that’s for sure! This year over 900 photos were given out!
Here’s a video one of the local news stations took and some photos from the event…
- Thanks Roger for snapping this!
- Trying out medium format FILM camera for the first time!